Best Practices

Motivation for Research

Motivation for Research

Title of the Practice: Motivation for Research


Objectives of the Practice :


1)         To motivate and support the faculty to pursue doctoral research and post-doctoral research.

2)         To motivate the faculty to undertake research supervision to produce research scholars.

3)         To encourage and support the faculty to undertake major and minor research projects and to secure UGC,DST,BCUD,VCRMSand ICSSR funds for the same.

4)         To motivate the faculty members to actively participate and present their research papers in various conferences and symposia.

5)         To Publish quality research articles in reputed journals with good impact factor.

6)         To publish good quality academic and research books.


The Context :- Development in Science and technology is the most essential for the development of any country. Hence promoting research and motivating the researchers is very crucial for India to progress. Besides we have entered in the era of knowledge based society in which the creation of knowledge is very crucial. Creation, storage and transfer of knowledge can only make the society stronger and self sufficient. Hence giving emphasis on research is very necessary in a developing nation like India. So the institution tries to enable its faculty to pursue research in their respective disciplines and if possible in the inter disciplinary areas. The college supports its faculty to get research funds from various funding agencies-and to obtain the required facilities. The reputation of any educational institution depends on the quality of research that takes place there and hence the college has been giving thrust on research and innovation for last several years.


The Practice :

Faculty members are encouraged to participate and present their research papers in national, international seminars, conferences and the college provides duty leave for the same.

Faculty members are motivated to apply for the research grants from various funding agencies and supported for the same.

The College Provides computing and internet Facility, e-journals, INELIBNET etc. for research scholars and teachers.

Students are motivated to participate and present their research projects in AVISHKAR for developing their research attitude.

The College organizes seminars, conferences and short term courses for a good research exposure.

College organizes seminars, conference, short term programmes to motivate its faculty.


Evidence of Success :

After the implementation of the promotion of research we have achieved good research outcome both in quality and quantity. We have a achieved great success in publication as well.


Right now the college has 13 faculty members with Ph.D degree and 05 with M. Phil degrees. The institution has doctoral research centres in Botany, Physics, Zoology and Hindi, 05 faculty members have been recognized as research guides by our affiliating university KBCNMU, Jalgaon. 05 Ph.D scholars have obtained their M. Phil under their able guidance. 8 teachers are recognized as research guides by the

K.B.C.N.M. University,Jalgaon and 5 research scholars have completed Ph.D. through our research centres.Our faculty have published 41 research papers in UGC notified journals and 70 research papers in peer reviewed journals. They have presented 79 research papers in various national , international conference / seminars etc. The faculty have written/ contributed 36 text books/chapters in books published by different reputed publications. The institution motivates the students to participates in Avishkar research exhibitions. The college organises ‘Avishkar’ research exhibition to give research exposure to the students.


Problems Encountered and Resources Required:-


CBCS and semester system leaves little time for the faculty to devote time for the research.


2)         Research laboratories need to be constantly upgraded.


3)         Lack of financial resources and technical support staff.


4)         Keeping the faculty constantly motivated for continuous research.


5)         Fewer funds for research projects from the UGC, and the affiliating university.

Earn & Learn Scheme

Earn & Learn Scheme

Objectives of the practice :-


1)         To establish and inculcate the dignity of labour among the students.


2)         To financially support the economically weaker students.


3)         To enable the students to be financially self-sufficient at least for supporting their education.


4)         To bridge the gap between actual need and availability of the non-teaching staff.


5)         To maintain and co-operate the support facilities of the institution.


Context :-

Our institution has been catering to the educational needs of the poor, rural tribal students. They mostly belong to the underprivileged sections of society. They take their education under the most adverse conditions due to various kinds of deprivations. Hence supporting these students financially is the very crucial and most essential to enable them to complete education.


Besides it is also essential for inculcating the ideal of the dignity of labour on the young minds since the dignity of lobour is fast diminishing from our work culture. Besides, the students of the college belonging to the BPL ( Below the poverty Line ) families need financial support very badly. Sometimes they have to give up their education due to the financial constraints. To avoid this and enable them to continue their education and fulfill their aspirations. It helps for the great cause of the upliftment of the poor and needy- and helps the students as confidence & morale booster.


Practice :-


1)         The institutions issues notice at the beginning of every academic year and invites applications from the needy and deserving students coming from the BPL families.


2)         The students who apply for enrolling under the scheme are interviewed and the needy, deserving and eligible ones are identified and selected.


3)         The students selected under the scheme are assigned the manual works in various support facilities of the college like library, laboratories and various departments. Their daily attendance is recorded and they have to work for three hours per attendance.


4)         The affiliating university bears the 70 % share of the students’ wages And the college administration bears the 30 % of the cost of the scheme

Evidence of success:-  The number of students benefitted by the scheme during the last five years are as follow :-


2014-15 ——  14


2015-16           NIL


2016-17 —— 21



2017-18 —— 19


2018-19 ——  14


And the amount of funds utilized for the scheme during the last five years is as follow :-


2014-15           Rs. 54,000/-


2015-16           NIL


2016-17           Rs. 1,96,320/-


2017-18           Rs. 86,640/-


2018-19           Rs. 56,000/-


Through the scheme of earn and learn the college has helped students to support themselves and be self – reliant. The college has helped these students to fulfill their aspirations by completing their education.

The students seeking work through this are really very needy & deserving students .They are able to continue their education without any interruption.

The students working, earning and learning under the scheme are ideals for other students, They become the source of inspiration for others and help in maintaining the support facilities of the institution as there is scarcity of manpower.


Problems Encountered and Resources Required :-


1)         The college faces the problem of admitting more number of students as the affiliating university allows only 1.5 % students under the scheme.

2)         The institution faces the problem of more number of students who need and seek the benefits than can be permitted.

3)         The college faces resource crunch to admit more number of students to be benefitted under the scheme.

4)         Though 30 % expenses are borne by the college, college needs more resources.

5)         The wages of 90 rupees per attendance is very meagre amount to cover up the educational expenses of out station students so the amount of wages needs to be increased.